Tuesday 21 September 2010

I have a dream...

For the first time...After more than one year have passed...
I dreamed about you last night... you smiled at me...no words...
just a beautiful smile.. a protective smile towards us as usual...
your appearance in my dream have extinguished the anguish that has built inside me these few days....
seeing you again, took away the painful feeling of missing you...just for the moment..

it was so real, i can hear my voice calling for you..
i waked up shaking tremendously...
feeling scared... feeling confused...

then, coming to realize...
i noticed that my chest was facing the kiblat...
it was right after subuh azan...
i remember citing zikir before sleeping..
i wear the same clothe the day i knew that i will lose you...
the day is Tuesday ...the day you leave the house...

I smiled...
i am happy...
i've found the answer...
i felt relieved....

subhanAllah, Alhamdulillah, lailahaillallah, Allahu Akbar...

Just sharing....