Dizzy & sleepy, these two words describe me at this very moment. I’m still at the office, waiting to go home at 6:00 pm. . Recently, there is not much work to do…. The update process has run smoothly without errors…. The figure in the new report doesn’t have major discrepancy to be rectified.
The dizziness and sleepiness I’m having now was contribute by my lack of sleep in this couple of days. I think one of the reasons I’m hardly to fall asleep at night because of not taking my Lexapro in this couple of days. Yeah… I’ve told you before I have problem taking medication on regular basis. The consequences of my lack of discipline cause me to become unfocused during morning working hour; it would subside gradually in the afternoon and in the evening and at night I would become more excitement in doing things such as watching TV unstoppable…series after series, reading the whole book at one night stand and enthusiastically surf the Internet page after page. I would only sleep at 3 or 4 am.
Supposedly my first one month box of Lexapro is to be finished consumes until early December and the psychiatrist asked me to make appointment with her when my medicine finished. But until now I haven’t finished it yet… I have another 7 pills left in my handbag …..
You are strictly advised not to follow my foot step……
Tuesday, 29 December 2009
Monday, 28 December 2009
Fall in love with Tekala again
Last Christmas the 6 of us went barbeque picnic at Sungai Tekala for the second time. I’ve prepared marinated prawns and boiled eggs for the picnic. Thanks to my friend Ruby to let me join the crowd :o) as this was actually an all EPF and ex-EPF staffs outing. I really have a fun and good time there.
We took a different route this time, from Puchong we use Kajang highway and after the first toll we took the first exit on the left, enter a small town (i'm not sure what's the town name), turn left again.... go further forward into a small town...we saw schools, community hall, shoplots, a hot spring (again ...didn't catch the exact name) and a lot of kampung houses.....there's a small signboard of Sungai Tekala which told us to turn right...... obligating the signboard sign...we take right turn into a small oldtown again (looks older than the earlier town we passed by), this time around the shoplots seems like were built during the colonial era. There are a small 'flea market' along the road in the small oldtown that sold 'Kampung' vegetation and poultry such as pucuk paku, ulam raja, petai, jering and all sorts of ulam-ulaman. We drove further into the village, saw a signboard of Sungai Tekali campsite (this reminds me about a conversation between me and my ex- high school classmate after my first trip to Sungai Tekala back on 23 May 2009, the day that I mistakenly brought 2 t-shirts instead of a t-shirt and a trouser as my bath suit, actually the conversation involved us getting confused of the name, was it Tekala or Tekali ? Were we referring to the same place or not? Now, i have the answer...) , after that the road start to get a little bit zig-zag and then we reached a T-junction and took the right turn, and here comes the beautiful damn in the middle of rainforest, it was a breathtaking sight. Not far from the damn, i think about 10 minutes, there's the entrance of Sungai Tekala on our right.
Wonder why i just jot down the pathway journey to Sungai Tekala.....? It is for my own good sake, because i am prone to forget the route, any route...no matter how easy it was..... Sungai Tekala is a special place (for me), it is beautiful, well manage, well kept, well maintain and well accommodate recreational place and i'm planning to go there again. So, before my memory fails me, i better wrote down what i remember for future reference.....:)
Credits to http://www.amrili.fotopages.com/ for the beautiful Sungai Tekala picture and www.bugtoo.multiply.com for the map
Friday, 18 December 2009
At Office on Public Holiday
So sleepy yet need to finish my work... waiting for the boss to come and collect the report and wondering until now why isn't he here yet? Traffic jam shouldn't be the problem ... Procrastinate for being at work on public holiday? well i think it's more rational reason compare to traffic jam .....
Should i just pass this report to my colleague and ask his assistance to give it to our 'late coming' fund manager ? Or i just wait & wait....? Ouh... i think i need to put on benchmark until what time should i waited for him ... i think 3:00 PM is reasonable... After that i will just ask someone help .... and head back home...
I will be going back to Muar after this... need to do some packing first.... Yeay...Muar here i come again...Ouh and before that i need to buy my prepaid top up... must reply text from my friend who asked my agreement to prepare some food for our barbeque picnic on 25 December.... Yeay ...will go for picnic next week..!
Last night we went to Cheras uptown until 1 AM, my cousin wants to buy a travelling bag....
and i only felt asleep at 3 AM in the living room....however i woke up on 4 AM because of the buzzzzziiinggg sound i heard ... and there it is a big black bee inside my house and my cat 'Ewok' try to play catch and release with the bee which has disturbed my sleep....afraid of being stung by the bee i ran into study room and continue my sleep there.....At 7 AM..my cousin called to wake me up and then we jog around the recreational park this morning together with my mother and sister..... and now here i am....sleepy at the office...
Should i just pass this report to my colleague and ask his assistance to give it to our 'late coming' fund manager ? Or i just wait & wait....? Ouh... i think i need to put on benchmark until what time should i waited for him ... i think 3:00 PM is reasonable... After that i will just ask someone help .... and head back home...
I will be going back to Muar after this... need to do some packing first.... Yeay...Muar here i come again...Ouh and before that i need to buy my prepaid top up... must reply text from my friend who asked my agreement to prepare some food for our barbeque picnic on 25 December.... Yeay ...will go for picnic next week..!
Last night we went to Cheras uptown until 1 AM, my cousin wants to buy a travelling bag....
and i only felt asleep at 3 AM in the living room....however i woke up on 4 AM because of the buzzzzziiinggg sound i heard ... and there it is a big black bee inside my house and my cat 'Ewok' try to play catch and release with the bee which has disturbed my sleep....afraid of being stung by the bee i ran into study room and continue my sleep there.....At 7 AM..my cousin called to wake me up and then we jog around the recreational park this morning together with my mother and sister..... and now here i am....sleepy at the office...
Derita Budak Halusinasi
Susunan Fairul Asmaini Mohd Pilus www.hmetro.com.my
IMAGINASI kanak-kanak memang tiada had sempadan. Ada yang gemar tampil dengan pakaian super hero kegemaran atau berangan menjadi puteri.Namun, tidak semua imaginasi itu bagus untuk proses pembesaran kanak-kanak kerana ada ketikanya halusinasi itu mampu mendorong kepada kelakuan yang menakutkan. Bagi, pasangan Michael dan Susan Schofield, mereka tahu bagaimana penyakit mental mampu merosakkan kehidupan indah seorang kanak-kanak. Anak mereka, January ' Jani', 7, disahkan mengidap penyakit schizophrenia yang amat jarang ditemui pada kanak-kanak.
Berdasarkan Institut Kesihatan Mental Kebangsaan Amerika Syarikat (AS), schizophrenia adalah satu penyakit kerosakan otak yang menyebabkan penghidapnya mendengar suara ghaib dan menyalah anggap kehidupan realiti.
Dalam sesetengah kes, pesakit turut menganggap masyarakat sekeliling merancang untuk memusnahkan mereka dan akhirnya berlaku kemurungan dan kelakuan yang luar biasa. Michael yang juga seorang profesor bahasa Inggeris di sebuah kolej berkata, sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini, Jani 'bertemu' lebih 200 jenis kucing, anjing, burung dan kanak-kanak kecil yang anaknya saja boleh melihatnya.
Sejak hari pertama Jani dilahirkan, Michael berkata dia dan Susan mengesan sesuatu luar biasa pada anak sulungnya. Deria Jani lebih bijak berbanding bayi seusia dengannya dan anaknya itu mempunyai tabiat tidur yang berlainan. "Kebanyakan bayi tidur kira-kira 16 jam sehari tetapi Jani hanya tidur sekitar 20 minit setiap kali ditidurkan. "Ia menyebabkan Jani hanya tidur empat jam saja sehari" katanya. Selain itu, apabila usianya mencecah dua tahun, Jani menggelarkan dirinya dengan pelbagai nama termasuk Blue- Eyed Tree Frog serta Jani Firefly.
Imaginasi Jani juga semakin kuat daripada tahun ke tahun dan ketika umurnya mencecah lima tahun, kelakuannya semakin berbahaya serta sukar dikawal. "Jani akan mencakar badannya sehingga keluar darah. Dia cuba mencakar muka saya dan mengeluarkan mata. "Tetapi beberapa saat kemudian, Jani kembali normal dan berkelakuan seperti tiada apa yang berlaku. "Kelakuan Jani memang menakutkan tetapi saya dan isteri perlu sentiasa berwaspada memandangkan Jani kini mempunyai adik lelaki, Bodhi," katanya. Jani pernah memberitahu kepada mereka mengenai haiwan imaginasinya bernama Wednesday dan 400 yang menyuruh dirinya untuk memukul sesuatu. Seandainya Jani enggan, haiwan itu dikatakan akan mencakar serta menggigitnya. Susan berkata, dia dan suaminya pernah menemui Jani yang cuba terjun daripada tingkap biliknya kerana marah dihukum berada dalam biliknya. Namun, Jani seorang kanak-kanak yang pintar dan amat meminati Sains serta Matematik. "Jani pernah diuji dan markah tahap kecerdasannya ialah 146. Ia ternyata amat mengejutkan kami," katanya.
Antara Januari hingga Ogos tahun ini, Jani dimasukkan ke wad psikiatrik Pusat Perubatan UCLA sebanyak tiga kali selama 174 hari. Pakar, Dr Mark DeAntonio berkata, kes seperti itu amat jarang dijumpai pada kanak-kanak seusia dengan Jani. "Keadaan yang dialami Jani amat menakutkan dan mengganggu proses pembesarannya. Penyakit itu mungkin satu dijumpai dalam tempoh 20 tahun," katanya. Penyakit itu memang sukar untuk diubati tetapi doktor masih berusaha mengawal kelakuan luar biasanya dengan memberi ubat kuat."Jani mengambil 200 miligram (mg) Clozaril dan 600 mg litium setiap hari. Ubat itu amat kuat untuk mengawal otaknya kerana Clozaril adalah penyelesaian terakhir bagi pengidap Schizohrenia dewasa," kata doctor. Biarpun mengambil ubat, kelakuan Jani tetap sukar dikawal. Justeru, mereka terpaksa memisahkan Jani dari adiknya."Kami sukar melelapkan mata tanpa memikirkan keselamatan Bodhi kerana Jani boleh menyerangnya pada bila-bila masa," katanya.
Bagi memberi peluang kepada anaknya itu untuk menikmati kehidupan yang normal, mereka menghantar Jani ke sekolah awam yang menyediakan guru khas. "Jani tidak berkawan dengan kanak-kanak lain seperti yang kami harapkan kerana dia hanya bermain dengan haiwan imaginasinya iaitu seekor cicak bernama Spikes. "Sebagai ibu bapa, kami tidak akan berputus asa mengubati penyakit Jani," katanya.
Masalah Jani menyebabkan hubungan Michael dan Susan retak. "Pernah saya memikirkan untuk menamatkan semua ini dengan cepat kerana sudah tidak tahan. "Saya pernah cuba membunuh diri dengan mengambil ubat penenang." katanya Sementara itu, kisah keluarga ini turut menarik perhatian selebriti terkenal, Oprah Winfrey yang sanggup terbang daripada California untuk menghabiskan masa sepetang bersama keluarga berkenaan. Selepas sejam, Oprah mengakui dia tidak mempunyai kesabaran dan ketabahan seperti yang dimiliki pasangan itu. "Saya tertanya-tanya bagaimana pasangan ini dapat melaluinya sejak bertahun-tahun sedangkan untuk sejam pun saya tidak tahan menjaganya. "Itulah istimewanya hubungan ibu bapa dan anak. Apa yang menggembirakan saya ialah pasangan Michael dan Susan berjanji untuk menjaga Jani sebaik mungkin," kata Oprah dalam rancangan bual bicaranya, baru-baru ini.
IMAGINASI kanak-kanak memang tiada had sempadan. Ada yang gemar tampil dengan pakaian super hero kegemaran atau berangan menjadi puteri.Namun, tidak semua imaginasi itu bagus untuk proses pembesaran kanak-kanak kerana ada ketikanya halusinasi itu mampu mendorong kepada kelakuan yang menakutkan. Bagi, pasangan Michael dan Susan Schofield, mereka tahu bagaimana penyakit mental mampu merosakkan kehidupan indah seorang kanak-kanak. Anak mereka, January ' Jani', 7, disahkan mengidap penyakit schizophrenia yang amat jarang ditemui pada kanak-kanak.
Berdasarkan Institut Kesihatan Mental Kebangsaan Amerika Syarikat (AS), schizophrenia adalah satu penyakit kerosakan otak yang menyebabkan penghidapnya mendengar suara ghaib dan menyalah anggap kehidupan realiti.
Dalam sesetengah kes, pesakit turut menganggap masyarakat sekeliling merancang untuk memusnahkan mereka dan akhirnya berlaku kemurungan dan kelakuan yang luar biasa. Michael yang juga seorang profesor bahasa Inggeris di sebuah kolej berkata, sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini, Jani 'bertemu' lebih 200 jenis kucing, anjing, burung dan kanak-kanak kecil yang anaknya saja boleh melihatnya.
Sejak hari pertama Jani dilahirkan, Michael berkata dia dan Susan mengesan sesuatu luar biasa pada anak sulungnya. Deria Jani lebih bijak berbanding bayi seusia dengannya dan anaknya itu mempunyai tabiat tidur yang berlainan. "Kebanyakan bayi tidur kira-kira 16 jam sehari tetapi Jani hanya tidur sekitar 20 minit setiap kali ditidurkan. "Ia menyebabkan Jani hanya tidur empat jam saja sehari" katanya. Selain itu, apabila usianya mencecah dua tahun, Jani menggelarkan dirinya dengan pelbagai nama termasuk Blue- Eyed Tree Frog serta Jani Firefly.
Imaginasi Jani juga semakin kuat daripada tahun ke tahun dan ketika umurnya mencecah lima tahun, kelakuannya semakin berbahaya serta sukar dikawal. "Jani akan mencakar badannya sehingga keluar darah. Dia cuba mencakar muka saya dan mengeluarkan mata. "Tetapi beberapa saat kemudian, Jani kembali normal dan berkelakuan seperti tiada apa yang berlaku. "Kelakuan Jani memang menakutkan tetapi saya dan isteri perlu sentiasa berwaspada memandangkan Jani kini mempunyai adik lelaki, Bodhi," katanya. Jani pernah memberitahu kepada mereka mengenai haiwan imaginasinya bernama Wednesday dan 400 yang menyuruh dirinya untuk memukul sesuatu. Seandainya Jani enggan, haiwan itu dikatakan akan mencakar serta menggigitnya. Susan berkata, dia dan suaminya pernah menemui Jani yang cuba terjun daripada tingkap biliknya kerana marah dihukum berada dalam biliknya. Namun, Jani seorang kanak-kanak yang pintar dan amat meminati Sains serta Matematik. "Jani pernah diuji dan markah tahap kecerdasannya ialah 146. Ia ternyata amat mengejutkan kami," katanya.
Antara Januari hingga Ogos tahun ini, Jani dimasukkan ke wad psikiatrik Pusat Perubatan UCLA sebanyak tiga kali selama 174 hari. Pakar, Dr Mark DeAntonio berkata, kes seperti itu amat jarang dijumpai pada kanak-kanak seusia dengan Jani. "Keadaan yang dialami Jani amat menakutkan dan mengganggu proses pembesarannya. Penyakit itu mungkin satu dijumpai dalam tempoh 20 tahun," katanya. Penyakit itu memang sukar untuk diubati tetapi doktor masih berusaha mengawal kelakuan luar biasanya dengan memberi ubat kuat."Jani mengambil 200 miligram (mg) Clozaril dan 600 mg litium setiap hari. Ubat itu amat kuat untuk mengawal otaknya kerana Clozaril adalah penyelesaian terakhir bagi pengidap Schizohrenia dewasa," kata doctor. Biarpun mengambil ubat, kelakuan Jani tetap sukar dikawal. Justeru, mereka terpaksa memisahkan Jani dari adiknya."Kami sukar melelapkan mata tanpa memikirkan keselamatan Bodhi kerana Jani boleh menyerangnya pada bila-bila masa," katanya.
Bagi memberi peluang kepada anaknya itu untuk menikmati kehidupan yang normal, mereka menghantar Jani ke sekolah awam yang menyediakan guru khas. "Jani tidak berkawan dengan kanak-kanak lain seperti yang kami harapkan kerana dia hanya bermain dengan haiwan imaginasinya iaitu seekor cicak bernama Spikes. "Sebagai ibu bapa, kami tidak akan berputus asa mengubati penyakit Jani," katanya.
Masalah Jani menyebabkan hubungan Michael dan Susan retak. "Pernah saya memikirkan untuk menamatkan semua ini dengan cepat kerana sudah tidak tahan. "Saya pernah cuba membunuh diri dengan mengambil ubat penenang." katanya Sementara itu, kisah keluarga ini turut menarik perhatian selebriti terkenal, Oprah Winfrey yang sanggup terbang daripada California untuk menghabiskan masa sepetang bersama keluarga berkenaan. Selepas sejam, Oprah mengakui dia tidak mempunyai kesabaran dan ketabahan seperti yang dimiliki pasangan itu. "Saya tertanya-tanya bagaimana pasangan ini dapat melaluinya sejak bertahun-tahun sedangkan untuk sejam pun saya tidak tahan menjaganya. "Itulah istimewanya hubungan ibu bapa dan anak. Apa yang menggembirakan saya ialah pasangan Michael dan Susan berjanji untuk menjaga Jani sebaik mungkin," kata Oprah dalam rancangan bual bicaranya, baru-baru ini.
Friday, 11 December 2009
Caffein and Me...plus a snatch case
I don't know why... lately at work i've started to like coffee again.... i used to love coffee during my school days, but when i began to feel dizzy and my heart beats faster after taking caffeinated drinks i stopped drinking coffee. My psychiatrist also suggested me to stop taking any caffeinated drinks because it will increase anxiety symptoms, as a good patient i've followed her advise, but not for long.....and today i can feel my anxiety have increase and the 'negative thoughts' have come back after they vanished for a month with the help of Lexapro; but today with me began to fall in love with coffee again and not taking Lexapro daily as been told... the 'things' have come back, but still under control.......No more coffee for me please....
I hate snatchers, they have been insulting the public severely this few years. Many death case and injuries have been reported lately. Today at my office, a colleague of mine have been injured because of snatcher.... They've snatched her handbag near the parking lot, she has fallen and twisted her leg. Ouh bad snatchers....i hope one day you will be punish on what you have done.
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
Planning Ahead
Only few more days to 2010... and only few more days for the Big B... hehehe....
Yesterday, in the office.... When i feel bored doing my work...i log into internet and started to surf for language classes offered around Taman Tun particularly Mandarin and Arabic....
Wonder why i'm looking for language classes.. and why Mandarin and Arabic ? Because Mandarin is a part of requirement needed for most career offered in Malaysia nowadays, it will be an added value for me if i can speak Mandarin and because i planned to work with my current employer for long term period (because of the Big B offered here is very competitive hehe...) As for Arabic, it's the Quran language and the main language in the Islamic world; as a Muslim i think it is added advantage to know Arabic.......
Well, i just thought learning new languages will make my life more interesting in 2010.. Besides working, shopping & exercising ... learning new languages supposed to be fun and challenging...Don't you think?
Besides language classes, i also thought it will be interesting to attend religious classes at nearby mosque to upgrade my Islamic knowledge in 2010.... i'm getting older and as a Muslim, i definitely need guidance to be a good Muslim. And yessss....These are my target for 2010, to be a better Muslim and to learn a new language.
I saw an advertisement in Masjid Negara website offering Muslimat Classes for 2010-2011 which scheduled every Saturday or Sunday and it perfectly fix with my target requirement... i'm planning to enroll for the class next week and pay RM 400 for the 2 years fee .... Masjid Negara also offered Arabic classes with reasonable fees; however the classes are on weekdays & I can’t attend classes on weekdays, because it would be very hectic to me. There is Mandarin class offered by IIUM Gombak through IFLA programs. The class already started on November 2009 and the next intake will be around March 2010. Starting a class on March next year would be fine for me.....The fee is RM 550 for 40 hours classes including education materials, it’s very reasonable.
Beside Mandarin IFLA IIUM also offer Japanese and French classes… for more info you can go to http://www.iiu.edu.my/ifla
For the Big B plan, it’s time to cut my credit cards and apply for company’s credit card with lower interest…. I’ll definitely use all my Big B to pay for current credit card debts…it’s OK for me as long as the debt is vanished from my life forever….
mmm…. And ohh…I planned to purchase Ikea sofa bed and a pair of comfortable jogging shoe using the company’s credit card…. Hehe…..’gali lubang tutup lubang’…..
Yesterday, in the office.... When i feel bored doing my work...i log into internet and started to surf for language classes offered around Taman Tun particularly Mandarin and Arabic....
Wonder why i'm looking for language classes.. and why Mandarin and Arabic ? Because Mandarin is a part of requirement needed for most career offered in Malaysia nowadays, it will be an added value for me if i can speak Mandarin and because i planned to work with my current employer for long term period (because of the Big B offered here is very competitive hehe...) As for Arabic, it's the Quran language and the main language in the Islamic world; as a Muslim i think it is added advantage to know Arabic.......
Well, i just thought learning new languages will make my life more interesting in 2010.. Besides working, shopping & exercising ... learning new languages supposed to be fun and challenging...Don't you think?
Besides language classes, i also thought it will be interesting to attend religious classes at nearby mosque to upgrade my Islamic knowledge in 2010.... i'm getting older and as a Muslim, i definitely need guidance to be a good Muslim. And yessss....These are my target for 2010, to be a better Muslim and to learn a new language.
I saw an advertisement in Masjid Negara website offering Muslimat Classes for 2010-2011 which scheduled every Saturday or Sunday and it perfectly fix with my target requirement... i'm planning to enroll for the class next week and pay RM 400 for the 2 years fee .... Masjid Negara also offered Arabic classes with reasonable fees; however the classes are on weekdays & I can’t attend classes on weekdays, because it would be very hectic to me. There is Mandarin class offered by IIUM Gombak through IFLA programs. The class already started on November 2009 and the next intake will be around March 2010. Starting a class on March next year would be fine for me.....The fee is RM 550 for 40 hours classes including education materials, it’s very reasonable.
Beside Mandarin IFLA IIUM also offer Japanese and French classes… for more info you can go to http://www.iiu.edu.my/ifla
For the Big B plan, it’s time to cut my credit cards and apply for company’s credit card with lower interest…. I’ll definitely use all my Big B to pay for current credit card debts…it’s OK for me as long as the debt is vanished from my life forever….
mmm…. And ohh…I planned to purchase Ikea sofa bed and a pair of comfortable jogging shoe using the company’s credit card…. Hehe…..’gali lubang tutup lubang’…..
Thursday, 3 December 2009
I want to sleep like a baby tonight
What a week....
In conjunction with Hari Raya Haji celebration, the whole weekend filled with spending my time in Muar. We played bowling, attend second cousin's wedding, visit relatives, watched movie and not to forget our motorcycle adventure with ‘Enam Jahanam’ (definitely i'm not the one who handle the paddles; i can't even start one!). We ended our night at Muar by shocking confession from the 'Enam Jahanam', that they truly are the 'Enam Jahanam'. For those who don’t know what it is, 'Enam Jahanam' means 'Six Hells' (Direct translation in English). The shocking secret confession made by them disturbed my mind for the whole weekend! I kept thinking what had happened to the people that i believed have good values but turn out not as i thought they were...Has the world turn upside down? Are the good values in humans have gone? Why this thing happened? Are human desires much more important than dignity? Have I started to think nonsense? mmmmmm …? (no more questions)
Today i've already accepted the 'Enam Jahanam' as who they are before and after the confession, i love them all, they're like brothers to me, i know i can't change them totally but i can help by giving them guidance and advise to be a better person. They are free to accept or ignore it, but hey... at least i've done something for the one i care for...
We had a terrible trip back to KL from Muar... Usually the journey will only take 2.5 hours.. But because it is holiday season and a lot of people were going back to KL.... the whole journey took up to 5 hours.
And now i'm back in KL, counting down the days of Futsal Tournament... i planned to have a restful days before getting all my energy out for the Tournament..but doesn't seem to have one.... The last three days in this week were full with a lot of things to do, not the important ones but things that i enjoy doing...hehe...such as go to work, futsal, shopping and watching movies... i even forgot to take my medication and felt awful ...and today i feel very tired of not having enough sleep and really hope i can have a restful night and to sleep like a baby tonight.
In conjunction with Hari Raya Haji celebration, the whole weekend filled with spending my time in Muar. We played bowling, attend second cousin's wedding, visit relatives, watched movie and not to forget our motorcycle adventure with ‘Enam Jahanam’ (definitely i'm not the one who handle the paddles; i can't even start one!). We ended our night at Muar by shocking confession from the 'Enam Jahanam', that they truly are the 'Enam Jahanam'. For those who don’t know what it is, 'Enam Jahanam' means 'Six Hells' (Direct translation in English). The shocking secret confession made by them disturbed my mind for the whole weekend! I kept thinking what had happened to the people that i believed have good values but turn out not as i thought they were...Has the world turn upside down? Are the good values in humans have gone? Why this thing happened? Are human desires much more important than dignity? Have I started to think nonsense? mmmmmm …? (no more questions)
Today i've already accepted the 'Enam Jahanam' as who they are before and after the confession, i love them all, they're like brothers to me, i know i can't change them totally but i can help by giving them guidance and advise to be a better person. They are free to accept or ignore it, but hey... at least i've done something for the one i care for...
We had a terrible trip back to KL from Muar... Usually the journey will only take 2.5 hours.. But because it is holiday season and a lot of people were going back to KL.... the whole journey took up to 5 hours.
And now i'm back in KL, counting down the days of Futsal Tournament... i planned to have a restful days before getting all my energy out for the Tournament..but doesn't seem to have one.... The last three days in this week were full with a lot of things to do, not the important ones but things that i enjoy doing...hehe...such as go to work, futsal, shopping and watching movies... i even forgot to take my medication and felt awful ...and today i feel very tired of not having enough sleep and really hope i can have a restful night and to sleep like a baby tonight.
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