Saturday, 7 August 2010

Xanax Withdrawal

Yeah ...its time to conquer the Xanax withdrawal symptoms yet again..
after 5 tabs of 0.5 mg and 2 tabs of 0.25 mg in between 7 days to help me through my 'holidays' anxieties ...

It was with prescription but not by psychiatrist, before i took the flight to Singapore i went to a family clinic nearby my house which is the second place i would go to sought for help in case if i'm unable to see a psychiatrist. I just explained the problem and the doctor after revising my previous visits with not much hesitation prescribed me 10 tabs of 0.5 mg..

Relatively the dosage I've taken is not too high however from my previous experience it's always been a tough time to deal with the withdrawal symptoms both physically and mentally. Usually, during this period of time i'm easily agitated,hypersensitive, depressed, having depersonalization feeling and became more panicky than Xanax-free period. I also experience hot/cold flashes, tingling, deep burning pain inside abdomen and palpitations.

The worst panic attacks i've ever dealt with was when i unintentionally abruptly stopped Xanax was about 4-5 years ago which i've never heard of Xanax withdrawal symptoms at that point of time (and i thought i was in full of stress and having a rebound which was actually not..). The feeling of severe panic was like something has controlled and clouded my mind with full of fear ...and i've lost control of it . My whole body and organs inside abdomen felt like deep burning wanting to burst....Through this experience, I have learned my lesson not to stopped the medication abruptly...take a lower dose & frequency instead for few more days...

Now i'm more prepared ...more awareness....

if you'are interested to know further about Xanax withdrawal you can read THIS

Just sharing....

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