Thursday 22 September 2011


these few days i suspect that i started to have excess of adrenaline secretion in my body. i felt chronic fatigue , headache and muscle ache especially in the morning . My assumption is based on what I've read about my anxiety disorder which have much related with the adrenal hormone (a long with other hormones ) .
So this morning when i felt the pain, i start googling (at my office while struggling with muscle ache ..) about adrenaline and how to naturally reduce it in the body....

there are some interesting point i would like to share here:

"Exercise burns off adrenaline and allows muscles to dissipate the tension."

People experiencing adrenaline addiction may have anaversion to exercise.

·          "Regular physical exercise is a simple and effective means of reducing stress.
·          Physical exercise is the outlet for the body when its infight or flight state.
·          Exercise releases [gets rid of] the natural chemicals such as adrenalin that accumulate during stress.
·          Exercise relieves:
  • Chronic muscle tension,
  • Reduces insomnia,
  • Decreases depression and
  • Anxiety
·          Exercise increases alertness and concentration
·          Exercise reduces skeletal muscle tension and helps people to feel more relaxed
·          Exercise leads to more rapid metabolism of excess adrenaline and thyroxin in the bloodstream, in other words it reduces the hormones which increase arousal.
·          Exercise allows people to discharge their frustrations which can aggravate phobias or panic reactions.
·          Exercise helps you to feel good by stimulating the production of endorphins & exercise increases your energy level"

·          "Recent research indicates that periodic exercise enhances adrenaline secretion [I assume that periodic, moderate, exercise doesn't lead to an excess of adrenaline] and decreases cortisol (glucocorticoid) secretion. This is important because chronic excessive cortisol secretion leads to increased fat deposition.
·          Exercise must be appropriate for each person. Excessive exercise may burn calories, but can also lead to endocrine gland exhaustion and eventually to more severe weight problems.

"After a few months or years of chronic stress the adrenal glands become weak. Even after a rest they are unable to respond to stress in a normal manner.
·          The most common clinical manifestation of this condition ischronic fatigue, a condition which is increasing in our society at an alarming rate. This is surely not he only cause of chronic fatigue, but is often involved and should always be thought of when evaluating a person for CFS [chronic fatigue syndrome].
·          Other signs of weak adrenal function are overeating andweight gain, also conditions rife in our society.
·          When the adrenals are completely nonfunctional, the result is weight lossexcessive loss of salt from the kidneys and abnormally low blood pressure. This condition is most commonly seen in females."

"When released into the bloodstream, epinephrine acts to
·          Increase heart rate and blood pressure,
·          Dilate the pupils,
·          Elevate the blood sugar level, and
·          Redistribute blood flow away from the skin and inner organs."

"Epinephrine plays a central role in the stress reaction--the physiological response to conditions that threaten the physical integrity of the body. It is secreted by the adrenal medulla."

“The muscles of the iris contract to allow the pupil to expand [dilate] for extra sight (to what degree depends on the amount of light).”

It's important to realize that engaging in activities that cause a release of adrenaline, such as playing computer games, is thewrong way to deal with stress.
     In the short term, adrenaline makes you feel more alert. But in the long term, you become tired and unable to deal with stress.
     The next time you feel like playing computer games or surfing the Internet, try to do something relaxing insteadsuch as:
·          Taking a hot bath or a shower
·          Taking a nap
·      Vision Exercises: palming, breathing and blinking, sunning, swinging, distance viewing (Bates' method)
·          Getting some fresh air
·           Exercise (Moderate)
·          Drinking a glass of water or a rehydration drink
·          Stretching

For full article please refer the following link....


Just sharing....

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