Saturday, 16 October 2010

Panic Attack - Summary

A panic attack is a sudden rush of uncomfortable physical symptoms coupled with thoughts of impending doom (making a scene, heart attack, not being able to breathe). Although the first panic attack may take place in a distinct situation, further episodes are unpredictableas to time or place.One or more uncomfortable physical symptoms will be present in a severe form during an actual panic attack, such as increased heart rate, dizziness or lightheadedness, shortness of breath, inability to concentrate, and confusion.

After a number of panic episodes, the individual can become afraid of being a helpless victim of panic. He or she may hesitate to be alone, to venture far from home, or to be in public places. Even when not experiencing an anxiety attack, the person with panic attacks often becomes increasingly nervous and apprehensive. He or she attempts to remain physically and psychologically tense in preparation for the next attack.


Just sharing....

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